Recommended Interesting Articles


Lemon balm: plant and its properties

Lemon balm, a plant that not for nothing has the ancient name of Melissa officinalis: it has many beneficial properties to know. Its fresh leaves, flavor salads, soups, meats, dried flowers, are an important ingredient in herbal medicine for decoctions or infusions.There is much more to discover about this plant, also widely used by friars and monks in the preparation of recipes, for health and aromatic.
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Spathiphyllum, cultivation and care

Spathiphyllum, cultivation and care. From irrigation to the treatment of diseases. How to grow and care for this lovely houseplant Spatiphyllum is a great classic among flowering houseplants. It is part of the Araceae family: this houseplant produces many deep green leaves, offers periodic flowering and requires little care.
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Geothermal: how it works

Geothermal, intuitively, geo and thermia, suggests something that has to do with the earth and heat, but how? Is it good, or rather, is it "green thing"? Advance only that regardless of the outside temperatures brings us free thermal energy, except the electricity consumption of the heat pump.
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Cairn Terrier: appearance, character and price

Cairn Terrier, small, Scottish, ancient, precious. Also for its price, but not only. It is a dog breed recognized by the FCI, it is a terrier in all respects, tremendously lively and joyful, perfect for those who intend the dog not only as a life partner but also as a companion for moments of leisure, an opportunity to smile when we see him running towards us.
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Relaxing herbal teas: benefits

Relaxing herbal teas, to be sipped in the evening as in a rainy or intense stress afternoon. Usually it is prepared and tasted before going to sleep, since they help to fall asleep by acting on our body so that the night is really restful and not agitated even if with closed eyes.
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