Recommended Interesting Articles


Poplar: varieties, characteristics and leaves

Poplar, from Populus, is the name of a well-known and rather widespread tree in the northern hemisphere, which does not affect its fame and beauty. It belongs to the Salicaceae family and grows very quickly, up to 30 meters, the height records also vary from species to species and there are about thirty poplar trees.
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Belgian Shepherd Dog: character and breeds

Belgian Shepherd Dog, more correctly said, Chien de Berger Belge, in its homeland, or Belgian Shepherd Dog, to be clear in the rest of the world, since then it becomes even more difficult to understand which dog you are talking about because there are four varieties: Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Tervueren.
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Kigelia africana: properties and contraindications

Kigelia africana, called the sausage tree, is a plant that comes, as you can guess, from Africa, and which belongs to the genus, as you can also guess in this case, of the Kigelia. Its properties and methods of use are less predictable but may interest us if we care about our health and our image.
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15 reasons to eat more vegetables

Vegetables are a crucial part of our diets, providing us with nutrients that meat doesn't always have. Everyone should eat a little green every day! There are so many different ways to prepare vegetables that even the most picky eaters can find a favorite way to eat them.
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Do-it-yourself wood cleaner

Do-it-yourself wood cleaner: tables, chairs, sideboards, chests of drawers, wardrobes and much more ... here's how to effectively clean, nourish and polish your wood furniture with natural ingredients. Wood furniture immediately delivers warm air and welcoming to your home. To ensure that they always remain beautiful and shiny, it is important to clean them properly.
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Little Lion Dog

Small lion dog, also called Loewchen, is a pleasant French dog from the Bichon group, officially recommended and classified by the FCI as companion dogs. It has an appearance that makes it deserve the name it bears in the Italian translation, as in the original French Petit Chien Lion, its particular shape of the coat gives it the typical lion appearance.
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