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Chervil: sprout and benefits

Chervil, one of those herbs that often seem to tell us nothing but that hide absolutely interesting properties and that it would be better for our health to know and exploit. It is therefore better to dwell on how much chervil keeps us secret in its anonymous appearance. Wild chervil Chervil is called Anthriscus cerefolium, in the jargon of the most experts, and is an aromatic annual herb belonging to the Umbelliferae family.
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Mace, spice

Mace, spice. All the information about mace: its use in cooking, its properties, origins and where to buy it.Macis, what it is Mace, also called mace or nutmeg flower, is a spice native to the Moluccan Islands, Indonesia. Don't be misled by the popular name "nutmeg flower".
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World Book and Copyright Day 2018

World Book and Copyright Day, an anniversary to be read from readers but also from potential or actual writers: who has never written a diary page, or a post on social media? From a group of 12 countries, including Australia and Russia, in November 1995 the idea of ​​establishing a World Book and Copyright Day began to spread from country to country.
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"Do not cross the threshold": review

"Do not cross the threshold" is the title of a book to overcome stereotypes and "popular" beliefs and to concretely address a discourse on ecology. Even the word can make many look up and there are many reasons for this to happen. There has been too much talk of ecology for a long time, we also talk about it casually, inappropriately, out of ignorance or instrumentally, because it is a term that evokes something beautiful, good, virtuous.
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Salicylic acid: properties and cream

Salicylic acid, one of the various acids that most likely intertwines with our lives in everyday life but whose properties and uses are not so easy to explain. Let's try, without pretending to be little chemists or medical experts, but telling why it is important and should be mentioned.
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