Recommended Interesting Articles


Buttercups: flowers and their cultivation

Buttercups, a genus of plant that includes over 400 species between annuals and perennials, most originating in the regions of the northern hemisphere but its name, as often happens in the floral world, derives from the Greek: it is ranunculus asiaticus and means small frog. a nice hint that wants to remind us of the cool environments that these flowers frequent, definitely humid.
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Puffer, operation and info

Puffer, functioning and other info: how does the puffer work? On this page we will explain how the puffer works in relation to domestic heating and the production of domestic hot water. The puffer is a heat storage tank. To understand how the puffer works, we can compare it to the storage batteries associated with photovoltaic systems.
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Homocysteine: values ​​and symptoms

Homocysteine, perhaps it sounds familiar even to someone with no medical degree, in fact it is one of the values ​​that when we do blood tests, is checked frequently. When it is high, homocysteine ​​is often associated with an increased risk of suffering from severe cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke and thrombosis.
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GPS devices for bicycles

GPS for bicycles: better a specific navigator for cyclists or a smartphone? Prices and models of GPS navigators for bicycles and comparison with App and craddles for smartphones. Cyclists do not miss anything, from super-equipped smartphones to GPS systems with bicycle itineraries.
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Onironautica: techniques and books

Onironautica, one of the first to talk about it was, in the eighties, Paul Tholey, a German psychologist who described what lucid dreams are by listing their characteristics. When they are done, you have the impression of being able to orient yourself, to be able to decide and remember, to have full awareness of what surrounds us, to be aware of the meanings of what is happening.
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Dog itching: causes and remedies

Dog itching, which causes him to scratch even exaggeratedly, to the point of creating wounds or irritations. Much also depends on the tolerance threshold of each individual animal. It happens exactly as with people, there are subjects who have a very low itch threshold (S.D.P.), so they scratch often, and those who resist a lot.
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